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Stressed Man


Bookkeeping is often one of the most overlooked pieces of the accounting process. In a world of "DIY", many small business owners and service professionals add the additional role of bookkeeper to their already growing list of duties. This typically leads to stress and lost time as the books fall to the back burner and the transactions continue to accumulate. Don't let this be you! See all of the things we do to keep you on track below rather than going at it alone.

Categorize Transactions

During the year, there is bound to be a lot of activity as your business grows. Don't spend your time determining how to categorize that coffee you bought - leave it to the professionals to handle that for you! We communicate along the way to make sure we've got it right.

Reconcile the Banks & Credit Cards

This often overlooked part of bookkeeping is critical to ensuring an accurate and clean set of books. Nothing can fire a small business owner up quicker than that one transaction that just won't reconcile. Let it go and let us handle it - we've got you covered!

Constant Visibility

Curious of how your business is doing? Can't get a hold of your accountant for the answer? Not a problem with QuickBooks Online. Using this software, you always have access to check on your business!

Identify Tax Savings Opportunities

By choosing Empower Tax & Accounting Services LLC as your bookkeeper, you can rest easy knowing that a CPA is reviewing every transaction. This means we get a live look into the activity as it pours in and can better position you for optimal tax savings down the road. 

Financial Reports a Click Away

QuickBooks Online is our choice of software for bookkeeping. Not only does it allow us to quickly download transactions directly from your bank, we can also setup repeatable reports. Using this customization feature, we set you up with monthly financial reports in a click!

Closing the Books

Closing the books can be a stressful part of bookkeeping for small business owners with all of the journal entries to look into. Why spend your time on this each month? Let the pros handle that for you while you get back to what you love!

So How Do We Help?

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